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FastPix video API workflowFastPix video API workflow
Feature 01

Upload video

Direct upload

FastPix provides you an ability to upload files directly to a platform without the need for intermediary steps or external storage, making content upload faster and easier.

Just in time encoding

Convert any portion of the video into a shorter clips or highlights on-the-fly, at the moment of upload or playback, reducing the need for pre-encoding.

H.264, AV1 support

We are compatible with multiple video and audio codecs, allowing the platform to handle a diverse range of encoding and decoding formats.

Migration / batch upload

If your video assets are already stored elsewhere, there's no need to re-upload them to FastPix. We can seamlessly retrieve them from any web-addressable location.

Smart adaptive bitrate

We follow dynamic bitrate adjustment mechanism that automatically adapts to varying network conditions, ensuring optimal video streaming quality by adjusting the bitrate in real-time.

Live stream / RTMP input

FastPix supports for Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) input, enabling the platform to receive live streams and content in real-time from various sources.

Multifile format

FastPix supports multiple file formats, allowing users to upload and work with a variety of media types within the system.

Audio normalization

Our audio normalization mechanism dynamically adjusts volume levels to ensure consistent and balanced sound quality across different media files, preventing sudden volume variations.

Instant live encoding

FastPix provides you with capability to encode and process live streaming content in real-time, providing immediate access to encoded live streams without significant delay.

Direct upload

FastPix provides you an ability to upload files directly to a platform without the need for intermediary steps or external storage, making content upload faster and easier.

Migration / batch upload

We follow dynamic bitrate adjustment mechanism that automatically adapts to varying network conditions, ensuring optimal video streaming quality by adjusting the bitrate in real-time.

Multifile format

FastPix provides you an ability to upload files directly to a platform without the need for intermediary steps or external storage, making content upload faster and easier.

Just in time encoding

Convert any portion of the video into a shorter clips or highlights on-the-fly, at the moment of upload or playback, reducing the need for pre-encoding.

Smart adaptive bitrate

We follow dynamic bitrate adjustment mechanism that automatically adapts to varying network conditions, ensuring optimal video streaming quality by adjusting the bitrate in real-time.

Audio normalization

Our audio normalization mechanism dynamically adjusts volume levels to ensure consistent and balanced sound quality across different media files, preventing sudden volume variations.

H.264, AV1 support

We are compatible with multiple video and audio codecs, allowing the platform to handle a diverse range of encoding and decoding formats.

Live stream / RTMP input

FastPix supports for Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) input, enabling the platform to receive live streams and content in real-time from various sources.

Instant live encoding

FastPix provides you with capability to encode and process live streaming content in real-time, providing immediate access to encoded live streams without significant delay.

Direct uploads

Allows users to upload media files such as audio, video through various methods, including client upload, server upload, stream URL, and live recording.

Batch migration

Batch migration lets you transfer a group of videos from one location to another in a single operation. This workflow becomes handy when you are handling large vide files.

Multi-file format

Allows users to upload video content in various formats, such as MP4, AVI, MKV, MOV, etc.

Just-in-time encoding

Just-In-Time encoding, also known as Just-In-Time packaging, is a method where video content is encoded and packaged in real-time, just before delivery to the viewer. Unlike traditional encoding, where videos are pre-encoded into various formats and stored on server, JIT encoding processes the video content only when a request is made. This real-time processing ensures that the content is tailored to the specific requirements of the requesting device.

Adaptive bitrate streaming (ABR)

Adaptive bitrate streaming (ABR) is a video on demand (VOD) feature, that helps you to deliver high-quality video experiences to your users. In ABR multiple resolution of the same video file is encoded at varying bitrates. This allows the streaming client to dynamically select the most appropriate resolution based on the bandwidth of the user, ensuring an uninterrupted playback experience.

Audio normalization

Audio normalization makes listening smoother by automatically adjusting the volume levels of audio recordings. This feature prevents sudden volume changes, letting viewers focus on the content without distractions. Whether you're listening to podcasts, tutorials, webinars, or music playlists, audio normalization keeps every sound clear and balanced, providing professional-quality audio.

H.264, AV1 support

Our platform supports both H.264 and AV1 codecs, ensuring high-quality video playback across various devices and network conditions. H.264 is widely used and provides efficient compression for a range of applications, while AV1 offers superior compression and video quality, optimizing streaming performance and reducing bandwidth usage. This dual codec support guarantees that your videos will be compatible with modern standards and deliver excellent viewing experiences.

RTMP live input

The RTMP (Real-Time Messaging Protocol) Live Input feature allows you to stream live video content directly to an RTMP endpoint. RTMP is known for its ability to broadcast high-quality live video and audio smoothly over the internet. With this feature, you can connect your live streaming equipment or software to an RTMP server, ensuring a smooth and professional live streaming experience.

Instant live encoding

Instant live encoding is a real-time process that converts live video streams into different resolutions and protocols for live streaming. It ensures efficient delivery of live video content to viewers on various devices and platforms. The encoding happens on-the-fly as the video is captured and streamed, making it immediately available for playback while maintaining high quality and minimizing latency.


Clipping is the process of trimming or cutting segments from a video file. This is usually done to remove unwanted parts such as the beginning, end, or sections in the middle of a video. Users can also clip large video files into shorter segments or clips. The clipping process involves selecting specific points on the video timeline where the clip should start and end.

Speech-to-text translation

Speech-to-Text Translation makes talking to people in other languages easier. It's like a translator app that listens to your speech, converts to text, and then translates that text into another language. You can use it to have conversations in real-time or to translate recordings later.

Audio overlay

Audio Overlay is a feature that allows users to add audio tracks to their video content. This can include background music, voiceovers, sound effects, or other audio elements that enhance the video experience. Users can easily upload or select audio files and blend them with the video.


A watermark is a logo, text, or pattern intentionally added to an image or video to signify ownership and prevent unauthorized use. It serves as a visible identifier that prominently displays ownership and copyright information on the content. This helps protect the creator's intellectual property by clearly indicating who owns the material and refrain others from using it without permission.

Instant GIF for thumbnail

When you upload a video, FastPix automatically extract a GIF from the video. This GIF acts as a preview or teaser of the video and can be used as its thumbnail. This feature enhances how videos are presented on platforms, making them more appealing and improving user interaction.

Subtitles & closed caption

Subtitles and closed captions (CC) are textual representations of audio content that enhance accessibility and comprehension for viewers. Subtitles typically display a translation of dialogue, while closed captions include additional information such as sound effects and speaker identification.

Subtitle styling

Subtitle styling is a feature that allows users to customize the appearance of subtitles in their videos. This includes changing the font type, size, colour, background colour, text alignment, and positioning of the subtitles. This feature is designed to enhance the viewing experience by making subtitles more readable and visually appealing, ensuring they complement the video's content and style.


The "Add Intro/Outro to Videos" feature allows users to seamlessly integrate introductory and concluding segments to their video content. Enables users to upload custom intros and outros or create them using built-in templates. Intros and outros can include elements such as logos, titles, credits, calls to action, background music, and animations, enhancing the overall professionalism and branding of the videos.

Live to VOD record

Transform your live video streams into valuable on-demand content with our Live to VOD Record feature. Seamlessly capture and convert live broadcasts into on-demand videos that let's your audience to engage at their convenience. By effortlessly transitioning from live events to archived content, you maximize viewer reach and ensure your valuable moments are preserved and readily available whenever and wherever your audience desires.

Unwanted visual

Unwanted visual feature let users have full control over eliminating specific elements from their videos. This innovative tool allows users to seamlessly enhance their videos by manually selecting and removing unwanted objects.

Replace audio

Replace audio feature let users to substitute the original audio track of a video with a new audio file. This feature is particularly useful for enhancing videos by adding custom soundtracks, correcting audio issues, or translating audio content into different languages seamlessly.

Signed URL & DRM

Signed URL and Digital Rights Management (DRM) are two security features that ensure secure and controlled distribution of video content.  

Signed URL: A signed URL is a unique, time-limited link that grants temporary access to a video resource. This URL contains a cryptographic signature and an expiration time, ensuring that only authorized users can access the content within a specified period.  

Digital Rights Management (DRM): DRM or Digital Rights Management is a set of tools and rules to safeguard digital content from being used or shared without permission. DRM enforces copyright protection for different forms of digital media, including music, videos, software, and more.

Multi CDN delivery

Multi-CDN delivery uses a global network of partners to intelligently route your stream to the closest server, ensuring smooth playback for viewers anywhere in the world or reducing congestion during peak seasons,guaranteeing a flawless experience for your audience.

CMS integration

CMS integration helps you connect the video API with your Content Management Systems (CMS). It enables users to manage and deliver video content directly from their CMS platforms, enhancing efficiency and streamlining workflows.

Simulcast to 3rd-Party

Simulcast to 3rd-Party lets you stream live video to multiple platforms at once. This feature broadcasts to various social media, video-sharing sites, and streaming services simultaneously and eliminates the need to manage streams separately.

Offline viewing

Offline viewing is a feature that allows users to download video content onto their devices so that it can be watched later without requiring an internet connection. This feature is particularly useful for users who want to access content while traveling, in areas with limited connectivity, or who simply prefer to watch videos offline at their convenience

Sprite sheets

Sprite sheet is a feature designed to track and analyse viewer engagement throughout video content. This feature offers comprehensive insights into how viewers interact with videos over time, what section they are most interested into, the section that audience are skipping and other related data. This enable content creators and businesses to optimize their content strategy effectively.

Web hooks

Webhooks are a way for applications to communicate with each other automatically when certain events occur. Webhooks allow external applications to receive real-time notifications about specific events, such as video uploads, processing completions, or playback starts. When an event is triggered, the Video API sends an HTTP POST request to a pre-configured URL with detailed information about the event.

Concurrent stream

Concurrent streaming refers to broadcasting a single source stream (like a live event) to multiple viewers simultaneously. This allows you to reach a large audience efficiently without sacrificing video quality.y. This allows you to reach a large audience efficiently without sacrificing video quality.

Live stream quality monitor

Live Stream Quality Monitor provides live monitoring and analysis of live video streams to ensure streaming quality and reliability. It continuously tracks various metrics such as bitrate, frame rate, resolution, and audio levels, alerting users to any potential issues that may affect the viewing experience. The system also detects playback errors, such as buffering, stuttering, and audio-video sync issues.  

Access policies

Access policies are a set of rules and permissions designed to manage and control who can access specific video content or functionalities. They are essential for ensuring the security, privacy, and proper usage of video content in various applications.  

Multimodal indexing

Multimodal indexing analyzes not just text descriptions, but also the video itself (images) and any audio content, to understand the content better and deliver more relevant results for your searches.

Object detection

Object detection is like a super-powered search for your videos. It uses smart algorithms to spot and label objects in them, whether it's everyday things like cars or more specific content based on what the system is trained for.


Text-in-Video is a feature that allows users to overlay text directly onto video content. This functionality can be used to add captions, subtitles, annotations, or any other text-based information to videos. The text can be customized in terms of font, size, colour, and position on the screen, providing flexibility to meet various creative and informational needs.

Logo Detection

Logo detection is a powerful feature that utilizes machine learning algorithms to identify and recognize logos in video content. The feature automatically scans video frames to detect and tag logos of various brands, providing precise information about their presence, location, and duration within the video.

Video summary

Video summary feature provides concise overview of your content. Utilizing advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques, the feature extracts key moments and important points from lengthy videos, creating a shortened version that captures the essence of the original.

Video Chapters

Video chapters are segments within a video that allow viewers to easily navigate to specific parts of the content. Each chapter is typically marked with a timestamp and a title, providing a clear indication of the beginning and end of a particular section. This feature enhances the viewing experience by enabling users to quickly find and jump to the parts of the video that interest them the most.

Content classification

Content classification is a feature that allows to categorize and tag video content based on category of the video, example: sports, music, films etc.

Search queries

Search queries allow users to efficiently find specific video content within a large repository by entering keywords or phrases. This feature enhances user experience by providing targeted results based on user input.

End-to-end asset monitoring

Our end-to-end monitoring dashboard puts all your data and metrics in one convenient place for effortless oversight of your assets.

Video QoE analytics insights

Video Quality of Experience (QoE) tracks how smooth your videos stream. It monitors things like resolution and buffering to make sure viewers have a great experience.

Engagement metrics

Engagement metrics refer to the quantitative measures that assess how users interact and engage with video content. These metrics provide valuable insights into viewer behaviour and the effectiveness of video content in capturing and maintaining audience attention.

Proactive problem detection

Proactive Problem Detection actively looks for potential issues in your video streaming service before they cause problems for viewers. It analyzes things like error codes, user data, and streaming performance to identify and address issues early on. This helps to ensure a smooth and uninterrupted viewing experience.

Actionable data and analytics

This feature lets you receive instant notifications based on what's happening in your videos. Choose from pre-set alerts like motion detection or low audio, or create your own custom alerts for anything you want to be notified about.